I cannot thank you enough for your support and encouragement!! Your comments really lifted my spirits yesterday. I obsessed over the arnica issue until I was convinced I had done something to hurt our embies' chances, and that I would be an unfit mother. Got to love those hormones...I am not thinking clearly these days. Extra special thanks to the Mad Hatter for the great arnica link!! I felt much better after I read it.
The verdict on the arnica gel is that it probably didn't hurt anything, but I was told not to use it again. I am relieved, yet also disappointed, because that was the first time I've been able to straighten up and walk without pain all week. On the bright side, my mom started using it on her neck and has had amazing results. So at least it isn't going to waste! (Did I mention that my mom is here? I'm so glad, because she has been helping me make sure I stay hydrated and get enough protein. I'm certain that I would have had severe OHSS if she hadn't been here.)
We've also discovered that the extreme cramping and soreness in my rear are likely caused by an allergy to the sesame oil base in the PIO shot. I've broken out in hives several times now, each outbreak worse than the last. Last night even the injection site itself turned into a gigantic hive. We are switching to progesterone in an ethyl oleate base, which (hopefully) will arrive today. In the meantime, I am supposed to be taking Benadryl to keep from clawing my skin off. Add in the pain meds, and I am more than a little loopy this morning!
The clinic should be calling sometime this morning with our transfer time. Tomorrow is the day! I am so excited, nervous and scared, all at the same time. Please stick, little embies...
21 hours ago
Things are sounding a lot better! Can't wait to hear how those embies look!!
Man, your cat sounds like me when I get in a mood if I'm getting peckish!
Best of luck tomorrow. Do you get any more embie updates, or was that last one it before transfer?
You should have some great hatching blasts by tomorrow...
Wow, you are such a trooper....that allergic reaction sounds horrible! I am SO glad you are getting a new kind of PIO tonight!
So excited for you!
wow thats nuts...in the world of infertility, we always wonder "what's next, could anything else go wrong??" ...and then you find out the shots your using to keep your hormones in balance are causing you to get hives....great! not.
i personally think you are awesome for taking it like this and thinking to the positive, cause me, i would be all about the negative and i would probably cry and do the "why me's" till i got my way...
no matter...TOMORROW IS YOUR TRANSFER!! that is wicked awesome, and i just cant wait to see your BFP personally!
always praying....
oh and thanks for the comment yesterday, it made me feel SOOOO good!! :0)
♥ ac
Praying for your embryo transfer! I hope the allergic reaction goes away soon and that you start feeling better.
You are most welcome, my dear! I know too well what it's like to fret over foreign substances I have exposed myself to! Sorry to hear about the allergy, but glad that you're getting an alternative. I will be thinking of you tomorrow, my friend, and sending you the stickiest thoughts I can muster!!! :-)
Sure hope everything went great yesterday, and that you had some to freeze, as well as some stars to transfer!
Hope the allergy has gotten better.
Hang in there - and trust in God to keep those embryos right where they are supposed to be. You've done so well... and I know that doesn't make anything any easier - but girl... look at how far you've come!
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