In addition to the two hatching blasts we transferred yesterday, we had five more blasts to freeze. All in all we only lost three. The embryologist seemed really excited about our embryo quality; I can't remember the chances for twins but we have a 50% chance for a singleton pregnancy.
I had this vision in my head of what my bed rest would be: me and my mom hanging out on the couch, snacking and watching funny videos. It has not been like that at all. (**Warning: TMI ahead.**) On Friday, I told the IVF coordinator that I had started having to strain to go to the bathroom. She told me to take Peri-Colace, which I did. It didn't do anything, so I took more on Saturday (transfer day). Last night, I had the worst intestinal cramping; it was horrible. Then, on top of everything else, my stomach started feeling hard and I was having trouble breathing deeply. This has been happening a lot in the evening. Suffice to say it was a looooong night. I was convinced that I had hurt my precious little embryos, until C finally called the IVF coordinator this afternoon. She said it was good that everything happened the way it did: the embryos haven't started to implant yet, so I didn't hurt them, and it's better that I was able to clear my bowels than having to strain during implantation.
She also said something that made me feel a lot better, in an emotional sense: she said that they have been very surprised that I have done as well as I have, and that they were expecting my OHSS to be more severe. She also explained that I will feel worse in the evening, which is when the nausea and breathing issues have been most difficult. So, in a sick and backwards way, I feel vindicated. I've been trying not to whine, but I really do not feel well at all, and it's kind of nice to know that I'm not just being a baby.
BUT SPEAKING OF BABIES!! There are two precious little embryos inside me RIGHT NOW! And I am amazed. Please, Father, protect them and keep them safe and growing and allow them to burrow in deep!!
I just found your blog today through Tammy... I'm so wishing you the best. We will have a FET on November 20th!
All parts crossed for you!!!!!!!!1
Praying that your little embies snuggle in!
Glad to hear your transfer went well!! Good thing the nurse checked your injection sites for the PIO shots. Hoping that your embies will stick around for a long time!!
Glad to hear all is going as well as can be! A fifty percent chance is awesome!!! Wishing your lovely embies much stickiness!
WOO HOO!! i cant believe you have two embies inside you right this very instant!! implant embies, implant!!
♥ ac
Hey Girl - I have been a horrible blog friend. I haven't had any time to read blogs in a long time - and I'm so sad that I've missed most of this journey. I'm here now though - and I'm praying SUPER hard for those babies to nest in and get set to grow for 9 months!
That's unbelievable! Can't believe you had 8 blasts of 11, with 10 still on ice. Those are some super sperm and eggs, that's for sure!
Glad all went so smoothly. I've got a good feeling...
So glad to read everything went well for your transfer, your little miracles look good and congrats on having five frosties!
I'm hoping your little miracles stick tight and sending loads of positive vibes your way.
I'm definitely praying for you! Glad you had such a great report! Can't wait to hear how they stick. :) (((HUGS)))
So glad the transfer went well AND you are getting some relief from the PIO. An added bonus. Praying for those babies!
I hope things are still going well and the 2ww is passing quickly.
Just popping in to say I gave you a blog award today.
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