Baby A is a boy and Baby B is a girl! We found out about A first, since he's a wiggler and doesn't have any modesty issues. B, on the other hand, refused to uncross her legs for several weeks in a row. We actually found out her gender when we least expected - it was at a routine (non-ultrasound) appointment with the regular OB. They weren't sure if the doppler was picking up both babies' heartbeats, or if they were hearing an echo of the same baby's heart. (Their heart rates were exactly the same, for a while.) So the doctor did a quick ultrasound to verify visually what they were hearing - lo and behold, there was Baby B with her girl parts for all to see! I promptly told her that she could go back to crossing her legs for the next thirty years. :)
We've gotten to see some amazing pictures of our babies recently. I have appointments with the high risk OB every two weeks (and lately, weekly, but more on that later), and those always include an ultrasound. We watched as A (who tends to lay horizontally toward the bottom of my uterus) reached out to hit his sister's bottom, in an effort to get her to give him more room. We've seen B wave her hands when the ultrasound probe was hovering near her face (she really doesn't like it). Last week, we saw A using my bladder as a chair - which, incidentally, explains a lot!
We did have a bit of a scare last week, when my cervix began to shorten. The next evening, we ended up at the hospital with pre-term labor. The contractions were painless, more of a tingly sensation really, and so I didn't recognize them for what they were at first. When I finally thought to time them, they were between seven and nine minutes apart, for over an hour. Thankfully they began to ease on their own, and by the time the nurse got the monitor on me they had mostly stopped. I did learn, though, that the stabbing pain I usually associate with round ligament pain is actually a contraction. Boo.
After a week of bedrest, my cervix seems to be holding and I am allowed to resume "normal" life - with some restrictions. I still need to take it easy, and get lots of rest. We are at 22 weeks, 4 days - so those babies still have a while to bake!
22 hours ago
Yay for a boy and girl! That's exactly what I'm hoping for. I'm so glad that your cervix is better now. I hope those little ones continue to stay right where they are for awhile! :-)
I'm so glad you updated, I've been thinking of you :) A boy and a girl, how exciting!
Good to hear your cervix is holding after bedrest, I hope it continues to hold.
How BLESSED To have one of each! THAT JUST IS WONDERFUL NEWS! Congrats!!
Yay on one of each!
I've been hoping things are ok as it's been a while since you last wrote.
Rest well!
I'm so glad that you're off bedrest, but please do stay as still as possible so that those babies keep on bakin!
Congrats on your boy and girl!! So scary about the scare. Glad everything is okay!!
Congrats!!!!!!!!!! Oh wow! Are you going to share their names with us when you know or keep them private? Oh I do hope you share! That's one of the best parts- getting to hear their names!
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